Advantage Media Group, Inc. Improv Is No Joke

15,99 €   + 3,95 €   
Improve your life, where everything¿s not made up and the points do matter. Drew Carey¿s show Whose Line Is It Anyway? has turned improvisational comedy into a pop culture phenomenon. But improv is more than just laughs¿it¿s a valuable training tool that will make you a more effective business professional. Inside, you will discover how to: ¿ Replace negative phrases like ¿Yes, but...¿ with successful terms like ¿Yes, and...¿ ¿ Park your agenda and really hear your client out. By listening to understand, you can adapt to their ideas and produce a more positive outcome. ¿ Grow your client relationships beyond the numbers to build rapport, comfort, and trust. Improv is no Joke is must-read for accountants, bankers, and other financial professionals to sharpen the invaluable leadership and communication skills you need to successfully relate to clients and communicate complex information in a user-friendly way. ...
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